Tis the season – a postscript

Earlier in December, I wrote Tis the season about having the opportunity to provide some hope and cheer at Christmas to a family who took the unimaginable step to leave their home for a better future just before the holidays. As part of No One Alone (NOA)’s  charter to serve the victims of domestic violence in two local counties, the Adopt a Family program is one that has been a priority for me each Christmas for five years.

In the previous four years, I never expected, nor received, any acknowledgement of the gifts. I just knew in my heart that I had to adopt a family, and it would be a positive experience in their lives. I know it’s not all about *stuff*, but when you have kids and they are not going to have gifts, or possibly even warm clothes, at Christmas, things could definitely be better.

My friend P and I had a wonderful time buying and wrapping their gifts, while still worrying over their future. But it made our hearts full to be able to provide this family with some holiday comfort and joy. We delivered the gifts to NOA on the 11th, and thought about the family a lot in the weeks before Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, I found a card in my mailbox with the NOA PO Box return address. I opened it while still standing in the street, and was sobbing by the second sentence. I called P at work, and read it to her in full.

We were blown away by the eloquent and thoughtful words written by this Mom in unthinkable circumstances. In addition to beautifully expressing her thanks, she expressed several sentiments I that I had prayed she would feel. I must share two quotes from her letter:

“I can only hope to pay it forward in the future.”

“In today’s world it is sometimes hard to see the good in people and to be able to experience it first hand is beyond amazing. It gives me hope that everything will work out.”

She also mentions being humbled in her letter. I am humbled, as well. I never dreamed that we would hear from her, and sweeter words could not have been shared – she has hope for the future!


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