10 Great Quotations from Writers about Writing

As a new writer, I can learn from all of these great quotes from writers, but especially like this one: ‘Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.’ – Cyril Connolly

Interesting Literature

Here are ten of our favourite quotes about writing, from those who should probably know the most about it – writers themselves. Some of them are witty quotes, others profound, some a mixture. We hope you enjoy them.

‘Being a writer is a very peculiar sort of a job: it’s always you versus a blank sheet of paper and quite often the blank piece of paper wins.’

– Neil Gaiman

‘God may reduce you on Judgment Day to tears of shame, reciting by heart the poems you would have written, had your life been good.’

– W. H. Auden

‘A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.’

– Thomas Mann


‘Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.’

– Cyril Connolly

‘The dubious privilege of a freelance writer is that he’s given the…

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7 thoughts on “10 Great Quotations from Writers about Writing

    • Oh yes, Beth, they are so true! I have been facing the blank page for a while now. I have several posts started in draft, but it’s the blank part at the bottom that is getting me.


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