You are my Sunshine…

Sunshine Award

I was gobsmacked recently to learn that one of my fav bloggers, the hilarious and sweet Beth Teliho at Writer B Is Me,  honored me with my first ever blog award, the Sunshine AwardIf you don’t already know and love Beth, you must visit her ASAP.


Beth’s version of the award rules was right up my alley (there are rules???) in that the only rule was that I have to display the award on my blog. It only took me 3 tries, and there it is, under the Archives link. 😀

But, in the interest of fun, I am going to also do my version (5 of each) of the rest of Beth’s award steps. You can read her award post here: Naps, Zombies and Sunshine Take advantage of the fact that, in addition to yours truly, Beth has nominated a whole bunch of very talented bloggers that you will want to check out right away!

So, first off, 5 facts about me that you probably don’t know:

  1. For the first 6 years of my life, I was known as Roby, short for my middle name, Robyn. In my 7th year, for some reason that I can no longer recall, I adamantly became Lynn, despite my given name being spelled Lynne. In my 20’s, when I got a *real* job, a mortgage, etc., it just seemed simpler to use the official spelling of my name. No wonder I have spent years searching for my authentic self.
  2. I am a Certified Scuba diving instructor, with probably a hundred students that I certified, and thousands of dives in my past. I became certified, and completed all of my advanced training, in the murky, cold lakes of Texas. This despite growing up in sunny, hot, Florida.
  3. I would pass up ANY form of dessert, ANYTIME, for tortilla chips, really good salsa, and cheese dip with jalapenos.
  4. I was born in Livorno, Italy. Most people don’t know where that is, so it is simpler to just say Pisa, where the Tower leans.
  5. We moved from Italy to Germany when I was three, and I spoke Italian, German and English until I was 6, when we moved to Florida. Then I took 5 years of Spanish in middle and high school. Years later I moved to San Antonio, and traveled often to Mexico, where I was able to use my Spanish a bit. Today, all remnants of multilingualism (yes, that is a word, google it) have escaped me, although I speak English fairly well, and can understand and speak enough Spanish to order #3!

Now to answer 5 of Beth’s deep and thoughtful questions:

  1. If you could go back in time ten years and tell yourself one thing, what would it be? Get healthier, get fitter, and start NOW!
  2. Beth asked: If you were to take me on a date, where would we go and why? I would pick you up on my motorcycle, after outfitting you head to toe in appropriate riding gear, including a toasty heated jacket & gloves, and take you to experience what most people don’t even know exists in Texas, the beautiful and curvy Texas Hill Country. After experiencing the wonderful riding and scenery in the hills around Blanco, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, and Boerne, you’d have to take a momentary break from your vegan ways to pig out on barbecue at Rudy’s in Leon Springs. Then we would swap our riding gear for jeans and boots, and the bike for a town car that would deliver us safely to and from the legendary Flores Country Store in Helotes, where we would see Robert Earl Keen perform in his element!   
  3. Above all else, what are you afraid of? Having any regrets about what I didn’t do at the end of my life.
  4. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Be a writer 😀
  5. What has been your favorite age to be and why? The age I am right now. I am healthier, happier, and closer to the “I don’t give a f#$k what anyone else thinks” mode than I have ever been.

And finally, my 5 nominations for the Sunshine Award!!! 

These fabulously creative and talented bloggers truly make me think, dream, aspire and oftentimes laugh out loud. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown to this new blogger over the last several months, and I hope to be able to pay it forward in time!

I have to caveat this list with the fact that in my short blog-life, not everyone I have discovered and enjoyed thus far could be considered “Sunshiny”. I have my favs that can be dark and brooding as well, and as soon as I find the time to locate a “dark and brooding” award category, I will be awarding those too!

If you have been living in a cave, or are new to blogging, and don’t know about these 5 awesome bloggers (or even if you do), please go check them out just as quickly as you can.

  1. The hilarious and unbelievably talented Aussa Lorens at Hacker.Ninja.Hooker.Spy
  2. I aspire to one day be just like the motorcycle gals at Cheryl and Leslie’s Motorcycle Adventures
  3. My role model for this new phase of my life, Kelly at Try New Things – Experiences Not Stuff
  4. The entertaining Claire, who is “living in Sweden for no particular reason” at The Grass Is Dancing
  5. And last, but never least, for all things that kick ass, CBXB at Cowboys and Crossbones

Again, a HUGE thank you to Beth, who has been so kind to this newbie…you rock, and tons of BIG blog-love to you! 

30 thoughts on “You are my Sunshine…

  1. Roby, I like that, do you still get Roby from any of your family?

    Anyway, well done, you deserve this award, and well done for persevering with putting it somewhere on your blog (I’ve always ended up giving up which looks like not appreciating the award, I think).

    9 more sleeps and I join the land of the riding once again. See you out there Roby, I mean, Curvy.

    Cheers REDdog


    • Ha, RD, the funny thing is that in recent years, I have been thinking about going back to Robyn, but haven’t done anything about it. Does that make me schizophrenic? No, no one calls me Roby anymore, but you can if you want. Maybe that will help me decide if I am Lynne or Roby or Robyn, or just Curvy! My dad, paternal grandmother and great Aunt Bea (yes, really) have all passed and they were the ones who were last to give Roby up.

      Thanks so much for the props, and the comments, RD. I think there are a lot of bloggers who appreciate the awards, but don’t do anything about it…maybe one day I will be one as well. Right now I am too jazzed. 😉

      I seriously cannot WAIT till you join the land of the riding. The stories you will tell…Cheers!


      • Roby it is then!

        I’ve been hounded by the Black Dog lately, hence nothing new over at my place, am hoping the Fat Bob will reignite my passion for life and then I can write all about it. I have to do 1600kms in 4 days so as to get the first service done before I go home (1800kms away) so I will be racking up blog fodder right outta the gate. I haven’t scared myself in a long time and the Stage 4 kit doubles the horses on this thing which puts it in the 180 Club…yee-haaa!


    • Oh, RD, 4 days on your Fatbob will rock your world and leave that Black dog somewhere on the side of the road. (No actual dogs were harmed in the writing of this comment) Seriously, I love how you say “I have to” do 1600 kms…take those 180 horses, easy while you get your sealegs back, then blow the cobwebs out. Yeehaw indeed! Afterwards, go home and share, share, share!

      I SO need a longer getaway on the bike, but will have to settle for a day on the bikes with the hub tomorrow.



      • You’re right, of course, there is a degree of caution that must be considered. By the 180 Club, I meant that group of weaponry that can cruise all day at 180kph…lookin forward to sharing. Rd


  2. Oh my goodness you wrote such an awesome awards post!! And thank you so much for all the very sweet shout outs! We are newer friends, but I adore you BIG. So big. You are the real deal. *Hugs*

    I’m fascinated with your 5 facts! Wow. You have such an interesting past! Born in Italy…dang that’s cool! I’m having a total wow moment about you. Scuba instructor?!?! I have never done that! I’m intimidated of it. I think I’d rather skydive than scuba. Maybe. So in guessing you’re familiar with Possum Kingdom lake? I’ve heard a lot of scuba training goes on there because it’s so clear.

    I get to ride on a motorcycle with you!!! Squeeeee! I love that area of Texas. I was just in Ingram, kerville, and Fredericksburg in November! It was soooooo gorgeous. My mom lives out there. I have never been to that BBQ joint you mentioned, though. I will devour some meat for our date! Promise! Yum! Question. Can I call you Roby on our date, cuz it’s the cutest!

    Awesome nominees. I know two, but the rest are new blogs I can go stalk!


    • Beth, my new friend, you have no idea how much you have inspired me, and not just through this award.

      Yeah, not really a traditional upbringing or life, when I reflect back. 😉 But lots of blog fodder. Yes, scuba was a huge part of my life for many years. Interestingly, once it became a second job, it lost some of its appeal. I have heard of Possum Kingdom, but never dived there. Too clear, I guess. Ha. I did most of my diving in Canyon (San Antonio) and Amistad (DelRio) lakes, and of course, the Gulf and the Caribbean for fun diving. And I don’t think I could EVER skydive…just something about that initial drop that holds no appeal for me. Not to mention I could never leave the plane on my own power.

      And yes, I LOVED the whole date idea – brilliant! Of course you can call me Roby, and we would have to be on the bike…the hill country is awesome! I lived in San Antonio for 10 years, but wasn’t a rider yet. I did love exploring in a car, even then. My husband and I met there, and then moved to Atlanta within 6 months of meeting. We have made two trips back to Texas to ride. Once to meet friends from Louisiana in the hill country, and once on our way back from Big Bend. Absolutely loved it.

      Anyway, this was a great experience, and thank you again for the nomination! I am so glad I was able to introduce you to new blogs to stalk! I absolutely MUST get through some of my blogroll backlog today.

      Many hugs back atcha! Lynne/Roby 😀


      • You don’t happen to know Bill Paxton do you? What’s his nickname …something pappy or….cappy…can’t get it from my brain. He’s a BIG cycler, writes about it, and travels all over on his bike. Lives in Texas. Don’t you all know each other? Haha. Anyway thought you might know of him.

        Loving you to pieces!! xoxo


      • Beth, do you mean Bill Paxton the actor? I don’t think I know another Bill Paxton, wait, I don’t actually KNOW the actor either, lol! Don’t know the rider unless it’s by his nickname. If you come across his nickname or a link, do share. I would like to check him out, anyway! XXOOXX


      • Coolness!!! He does not look familiar, but I will check him out for sure. And there is always a chance our paths could cross in the motorcycle universe!

        I love his tagline “A day without sunshine ’tis a dark day indeed”! 🙂


  3. I am so honored and humbled to be your role model in this stage of your life! Big responsibility 🙂 Based on the five things about you…you are already creating an amazing adventure!

    Thank you so much for the nomination and recognition of my blog.


  4. How long have we known each other and I am now learning so much about you through your blog? I have enjoyed being reintroduced to this cool motorcycle chick (and I say that because you’re kind of being reborn for me) and I certainly have a new perspective and respect for those who ride.


    • Oh Melissa, thank you for commenting and letting me know you were here! I know,right? You know someone 20 – 25 years and they are still a mystery because you never ask them the 5 or 7 or 11 crazy questions!

      You should absolutely do that the next happy hour with the girls! 😀 Bring a list of questions or ask them to tell you 5 things about each of them that you didn’t already know. Then, you can start YOUR blog and reveal secrets, with names changed to protect the innocent, of course!

      BTW, I was just telling someone the other night at a board meeting about being fired from our volunteer gig…oh my God. He was not nearly as amused about it as we were…some people. Ha. But that, my dear, is a blog topic for another day.


  5. Ah! Sorry it took me so long to get over here! Too busy, grrr.
    Congrats on the award! Beth chose wisely (no surprises there, she’s kind of awesome) and thank you oh so much for passing it on to me!

    I can’t believe you have scuba dived thousands of times?! That blows my mind! I would love to do that but I don’t really know how to swim/am terrified of water (those two are connected, shocker). When you learned to dive in Texas could you actually see what was under the water? That sounds terrifying… how deep was the lake? I need to take some big gulps of breath now.


  6. Haha, Aussa, you never fail to surprise me with the stuff that catches your eye! And in this case, my mind is blown too! I keep thinking you have absolutely NO fear of ANY kind…in my case, I was swimming about the time I started walking, so I grew up in the water. No big thing. You probably don’t want to know this, but no, we could not really see what was in the water, unless the instructor or your dive buddy was within arms reach. Most of the dive training was done off the shore, so you didn’t get too deep. I also learned to navigate underwater by compass in the lakes, so it didn’t really matter whether you could see. lol. I know this must sound unthinkable to you, but to me it was part of the process. BTW, I made up for the murky training with tons of pleasure dives in crystal clear oceans!

    And I can’t believe you ever make it to comment on everyone that sends you awards or even comments…I still don’t think you sleep. 😉 And, yes Ma’am, that Beth is AWESOME!


  7. Thanks, CBXB, you are so sunny and funny, you had to be on my list!

    Hmm, now THAT is a challenge to find teeny-tiny, feline scuba gear for Ted. Oh wait, since he is a feline, does he like water???

    Heehee, But you are ON for tortilla chips, many dips, and of course, a festive beverage to accompany those chips! 😀


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