That big next step…

We interrupt the story of our Inaugural retirement trip to Texas to make a BIG announcement!

We did it; we are the proud owners of an RV!

But before we go there a little background. Those of you who have followed curvyroads for any length of time know that we have dreamed about, thought about, talked about, researched and obsessed over RVs and choosing an RV for a long, long time.

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The stars aligned…

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I have spent almost 30 years in corporate life, with the first ten in the relative security of a large private insurer, and the last 19 and a half in the much more volatile telecommunications industry. Those of you who are familiar will understand living with the quarterly, if not monthly, fear of being impacted by a reduction in force (RIF), lay off, redundancy, or any other fun term you may have heard for losing your job. I was truly fortunate to have survived dozens of these events, plus mergers, bankruptcy, flaming implosion, CEO going to jail, more mergers and acquisitions over almost 20 years.  My husband had lived through years of the same in similar hi-tech industries, although in smaller, start-up companies, before finding his calling in the motorcycle business.

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Better late than never…Summing up 2013

All over the web, people have been sharing their wrap-ups of last year, and plans for this New Year. I really enjoyed reading the 2013 Roundup from Lily in Canada, with her witty responses to a questionnaire that came from tumblr, so although it is already the second week of January, here is my 2013 summary:

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