Attitude of Gratitude


And other ruminations on my first two weeks of retirement.

Time has flown by, just as predicted by others who have walked this path before me. I have been busier than ever, it seems. I have completed some chores that I had put off, or at least, not yet finished, like 2014 taxes. I have done some reading, but not enough…is there ever enough time for reading? Funny, but I must not yet be in full retirement mentality because reading still seems to me a luxury.

I have done some route planning for our Texas trip, which begins in 12 days (squeeeee!). I have continued to research RV options, motorcycle towing options, and toyhauler options. I have concluded that there are approximately 8,798,545 options out there. How do we possibly choose the right one? But that is a discussion for another day and blog post after we test run option 1 in May.

All that, essentially, is the documentation of busy work. As I write this, I recognize the desire, no, the NEED, to continue to measure myself by what I have accomplished. Add to this emotional soup the Project Manager mentality, and you have an overachiever who does not (yet) know how to retire and just be. But, I am learning. 😉

Most importantly, during this past two weeks, I have taken the time to cultivate and feel GRATITUDE. I have done this through yoga, and meditation, and simply making the decision to experience joy in the everyday sights and sounds.

I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to retire now and enjoy time with my husband, doing what we want to do when we want to do it. We have never had that, as most normal working couples don’t.

There is no secret sauce that allowed us to make this major life change. It comes down to one basic financial principle: save more than you spend. I was indoctrinated into a saving mindset as a child. I have always been a saver, so we upped the ante as incomes rose over the years, pouring the maximum possible into 401Ks or IRAs. We didn’t deny ourselves fun and have most years taken a two-week vacation, plus some long weekends as well. But saving always came first. We now have a great financial adviser, who helped us put some things in perspective, and reallocate funds to make retiring possible. We paid off our house, which was our bellwether for retirement. Now we can come and go as we please, always with a home base to come back to when we are ready. Life is good. That may be the understatement of the year. As I write this, my husband has two days of work left. Yippee!

I got out on my motorcycle twice in the last week. It. Was. Awesome.

Hwy 60 looking Northeast

Hwy 60 looking Northeast

Talk about grateful. I am retired, I live in one of the best riding areas anywhere, it is Spring, uh um, was Spring? We have had temps in the 70s and all of a sudden, we may have a freeze this weekend???? Anyway, I enjoyed the kind of ride where you flow, and all is right with the world. I took a couple of pictures and then chased down a friend who passed by me at a mountain overlook. We had a chance to catch up from the seats of our motorcycles. Does it get any better than that? I think not. I have an Attitude of Gratitude.

Woody Gap looking South

Woody Gap looking South

Woody Gap zoomed in

Woody Gap zoomed in

PS: My trusty 2008 R1200GS reached another milestone yesterday. I thought it appropriate to capture a photo since I reached the same milestone this year. 🙂

20150324 08GS 55k

23 thoughts on “Attitude of Gratitude

  1. Wait – you’re fifty five thousand five hundred fifty five years old???
    You don;t look a day over five thousand five hundred and fifty five! 😉

    Here’s to a long, fun retirement!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. LOL! I had to laugh at Project Manager mentality – I still have a penchant to do that however, its fading fast – my favorite part was NOT being calendar driven anymore. Your trip sounds wonderful and fun. We’re headed to the keys this weekend for a quick getaway, and sometime in July/August we’re headed out west – got another date with my Joe B at red rocks. Ride safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, so busy in retirement, lol! Yes, Lynn, I know I am a project manager at heart, but I hope that I can lose the calendar driven part too!

      It will be so luxurious to take our time on this trip…I think that is when it will really sink in that we are “RETIRED”. 🙂

      So nice that you can go to the Keys for a quick getaway. Visiting the Keys again is definitely on our list, but in the cooler months, since I have lost my tolerance for Florida heat.

      We saw a special on PBS a while back on Joe B at Red Rocks and I immediately thought of you and looked for you in the crowd! I had never heard of him until your post about that concert, and now I would love to see him, especially there. Hey let me know when you find out when he will be there and maybe we will meet you there! 🙂


  3. No retirement for me for a few (many) more years.

    Currently retirement age is 65 but the guv’mint wants to increase that to 70 *sigh*. That wont stop me enjoying my down time and getting amongst it in the interim though.

    Whats your secrete to immortality by the way?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, as long as you are enjoying your down time in the interim, that is what is important!

      Heh heh, not really immortal, just a bad milestone comparison. I only reached a small portion of my GS’s milestone this year. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. sahweeeet! congrats, Roby. and uh…’ll be riding through TEXAS??? Okay, I realize it’s a really REALLY big state, but if you roll through N. Texas/Dallas area…..a Roby/Beth meeting needs to happen! Not even kidding!

    Loving your gratitude. MWA

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Beth, TEXAS!!! And you are right, it is a really big state. The closest we will be is Austin the weekend of the 10th – 12th for the MotoGP races at Circuit of the Americas. Monday we head to the Hill Country, but we could detour north to see you! Meet up in Waco? For some mexican fare? Only half kidding. Would love to meet you IRL, if it is in the cards. Hugs, Roby

      Liked by 1 person

      • grrr why is texas SO BIG?? If it were easier for me to get away, I’d do it! But during the week especially it’s basically impossible since I’m the SAHM. Have a gorgeous trip, though! Texas is soo pretty, especially the hill country. Be safe out there. MWA xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      • I totally understand. TX is just massively big. And I know we will be back…

        We can’t wait to get back to the Hill Country and enjoy the scenery and fine roads, and have our fingers crossed that there will still be some bluebonnets by the time we get there.

        Take care, wishing you much success! Looking forward to gettting notification that my e-book is delivered. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I couldn’t be happier for you, Lynne. And you’ll find a way to quiet your inner Project Manager soon, I’m sure! Hope to see you next time I’m in Lawrenceville (likely 3rd week of April) – but it sounds like you might be road trippin’ at that time. Next time then! Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I hear you with the gratitude. How to retire really is that simple. Save more than you spend. As for the work mentality, I still have teaching dreams, nightmares, where I am standing in front of the class and it is all going to H#ll in a hand basket.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. […] fortunate to be able to retire in March of this year, and you can read about how that felt here: Attitude of gratitude. Then, in April, we embarked on a bucket list motorcycle trip to celebrate being together for 20 […]


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